SCRIPT for WEB/MM Extension

Script Examples

Nothing shows the idea of a script better than a few samples. "A picture speaks a thousand words!".

We modified the following example from MMExtension by creating 2 buttons, one is the handle, and the second button is the sphere in the middle.

Because our goal was to show this image on a web page, we set the Highlighted frame to be different, and left the Pushed frame the same as it was - Normal. A bit different from the other example for Multimedia Builder.

Note: You have all these scripts already typed, and listed in the Script List.

A Simple Generic Text file listing images and sizes

Now this is actually a normal txt file so it is a kind of dummy file, but it lists most of the script tags and sizes, so you can use it as a reference.

A simple generic text info
Shows images, sizes and the position
Project dimensions:

Background Image:


Label: <#LABEL>
Normal Image = <#FILE0>
Highlighted Image = <#FILE1>
Pushed Image = <#FILE2>
Position = <#LEFT>,<#TOP>
Size = <#WIDTH>x<#HEIGHT>

Created by Real-DRAW

First it lists the project dimensions, which is the same as size as the background image and then lists the name of the background image. 

Now notice the part between <#LOOP> and <#END>:

First, it shows the number of the object, and the object's name. Then the next line shows the Label, and a list of  the button's 3 frames, which are the filenames.

And lastly it lists the position, and the size of the particular button.

This is in between the LOOP/END tags and would be repeated for any other buttons you have.  

We have 2

When you press the Test button the following will appear in the notepad:

A list of all files with the preview on html document

We now want to display the files one after another (the files belonging to one object in a row) in a web page used as a simple reference. We will use HTML language with tables, but for this you'll need a basic knowledge of html.

A simple script lists all objects on the web page in a table.
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="generator" content="Real-DRAW">
<title>Image List</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">
<td bgcolor="#ffe782">Background (<#BGWIDTH> x <#BGHEIGHT>)</td>
<td valign="top" align="center"><img src="<#BGFILE>" border="0"></td>
<td valign="top" align="center"><a href="<#BGFILE>"><#BGFILE></a></td>

<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<td colspan="3" bgcolor="#b2edfd">Object <#OBJECTNUM> <#WIDTH>x<#HEIGHT>)</td>
<td valign="top" align="center"><img src="<#FILE0>" border="0"></td>
<td valign="top" align="center"><img src="<#FILE1>" border="0"></td>
<td valign="top" align="center"><img src="<#FILE2>" border="0"></td>
<td valign="top" align="center"><a href="<#FILE0>"><#FILE0></a></td>
<td valign="top" align="center"><a href="<#FILE1>"><#FILE1></a></td>
<td valign="top" align="center"><a href="<#FILE2>"><#FILE2></a></td>


This may look complicated, but that's because of the HTML tags. Basically it uses the same idea as in the previous example.

Press the test button, and you should see something like the image on the left.

Simple! But it already shows some images!

Web Page Rollover with JAVA Script

Now it gets a bit more complicated by using a Java Script. What we have below is a normal way of creating rollovers in Java Script.
But what is more interesting is that we actually used the LOOP/END pair twice (in blue). One is when we list the images for the Java variables and the second time is when we actually put the images in place. 

Note: This example simply ignores the background.

Simple Rollover script

<!-- Hide Script
if (document.images)
<#OBJECT>_normal = new Image();
<#OBJECT>_normal.src = "<#FILE0>";
<#OBJECT>_over = new Image();
<#OBJECT>_over.src = "<#FILE1>";
<#OBJECT>_click = new Image();
<#OBJECT>_click.src = "<#FILE2>";

function switchimages(sName,nEvent) {
if (document.images)
if (nEvent == 0) sVal = 'normal';
else if (nEvent == 1) sVal = 'over';
else if (nEvent == 2) sVal = 'click';
else return;
sObj = eval(sName + '_' + sVal + ".src");
if (document.images[sName])
document.images[sName].src = sObj;
// End of JavaScript -->
<A HREF="" onMouseOver=" switchimages('<#OBJECT>',1); return true" onMouseOut=" switchimages('<#OBJECT>',0); return true" onClick=" switchimages('<#OBJECT>',2); return true"><IMG SRC="<#FILE0>" WIDTH="<#WIDTH>" HEIGHT="<#HEIGHT>" NAME="<#OBJECT>" ALT="" BORDER="0"></A>

What is the result of this?

The script generated a page that shows both (2) buttons and when we move cursor above them they change the frame.

For this  reason we also adjusted  the Highlighted frame.

With such a script, the highlighted frame is the one that gets most usage..

Note that we didn't add a URL, in the HREF html tag. That means that by clicking on the buttons we'd go nowhere. You can simply put the name here of another page, or a full URL.

The complete interactive page using CSS

By modifying the script above and using Cascade Style Sheet (CSS) we will be able to display the whole document.

This is a script using CSS which exports the whole design
You can set a URL link for each button by adding it to the label in a layer list.
<meta name="generator" content="Real-DRAW">
<title>CSS Export</title>
<style media="screen" type="text/css"><!--
#layer0 { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: <#BGWIDTH>px; height: <#BGFILE>px; visibility: visible }

#layer<#OBJECTNUM> { position: absolute; top: <#TOP>px; left: <#LEFT>px; width: <#WIDTH>px; height: <#HEIGHT>px; visibility: visible }

<!-- Hide Script
if (document.images)
<#OBJECT>_normal = new Image();
<#OBJECT>_normal.src = "<#FILE0>";
<#OBJECT>_over = new Image();
<#OBJECT>_over.src = "<#FILE1>";
<#OBJECT>_click = new Image();
<#OBJECT>_click.src = "<#FILE2>";

function switchimages(sName,nEvent) {
if (document.images)
if (nEvent == 0) sVal = 'normal';
else if (nEvent == 1) sVal = 'over';
else if (nEvent == 2) sVal = 'click';
else return;
sObj = eval(sName + '_' + sVal + ".src");
if (document.images[sName])
document.images[sName].src = sObj;
// End of JavaScript -->

<span id="layer0"><img src="<#BGFILE>" border="0">

<span id="layer<#OBJECTNUM>">
<a href="<#LABEL>" onMouseOver=" switchimages('<#OBJECT>',1); return true" onMouseOut=" switchimages('<#OBJECT>',0); return true" onClick=" switchimages('<#OBJECT>',2); return true"><IMG SRC="<#FILE0>" WIDTH="<#WIDTH>" HEIGHT="<#HEIGHT>" NAME="<#OBJECT>" ALT="" BORDER="0"></a>


Note: We used LOOP/END three times here, once for creating the styles, then for listing the files, and the last time for adding the styles to web layers.

Now, this is cool, we actually made a fully interactive web page with Real-DRAW.

Any professional web page designer would be very proud!

Note: The <#LABEL> command that we use as a html link on the button.

You can enter a link, for example in the label field of the package, by double-clicking on it in the Layer Bar, which will allow us to go to that web page just by clicking on the handle.

This of course is not the end of it. You can use Script Generator for many other things.

What about a script that will create a skin for some mp3 player?